Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Turkeys and The Robe

I know that the picture of the turkeys isn't any good, but at least it's proof! The reason I didn't go dashing outside to get a better picture was that I had just gotten out of the shower. And one embarrassing experience in a robe is enough for this neighborhood. But there were two adults and three little fluffs of youngness. Nothing I ever expected to see in these parts...


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Cool to see Turkeys with babies so close!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I think I missed hearing about the other episode with the bathrobe... this could be good!

a/k/a Nadine said...

Turkey update:
Mark saw the turkey family the other day and all 3 babies are still present and accounted for and growing. They are no longer little fluffs!